Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ah Huay went for a job interview, and when the manager saw him wearing a colorful shirt, golden hair, streaked red tie and white shoes, he screamed in his mind, "OH MY GOD! THIS CAN'T BE IT, WOMEN!"Since he had no choice, he had a wild idea। "If you can make a sentance out of GREEN, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, WHITE, PURPLE, and BLACK, I'll give you this job।"Ah Huay thought awhile, and said। "I heard the phone go GREEN GREEN (RING RING) ! Than I go PINK (PICK) up the phone, and said, "YELLOW (HELLO) ? BLUE's (WHO'S) that? WHITE (WHAT) did you say? Don't PURPLEly(POPERSLY) go disturb people, and don't call BLACK (BACK) , ok? Kum siah."The manager fainted.

12:12 AM